Tonight on the Write Stuff — My Life as an Onion with Carole McDonnell

Denise Higgins, a college student and lover of languages, is still reeling from the death of her fiancé, a chaplain in the army, when she is introduced to Ben Moreau, a French-Korean 19-year-old three years her junior.

Unlike Denise, who is a staunch Bible reader and a seer of visions, Ben is a jaded profligate surrounded by drug-taking friends. When Denise is hired to be Ben’s sober companion, she has a few hurdles to overcome. Least of which are Ben’s money, Ben’s ability to manipulate her, and her own growing infatuation with him.

When Denise realizes that an ancient curse hangs over Ben’s family line, she begins to understand that her destiny is interwoven with Ben’s.

Listen in as I chat with Carole McDonnell as we chat about her book on June 2nd at 7 PM Eastern time. You can listen in at 646-668-8485. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff — Prophecy of the Heir: Primordium with J. C. Lamont


Plotting the overthrow of a power-hoarding king, Commander Haylel trains the Malakim in the art of war. But when an omen forewarns that his fate rests in the loyalty of his favored lieutenant, Michael, Haylel must decide whether to remain subordinate to an oppressive tyrant or kill Michael and usurp the throne.

So happy to have J C Lamont on the show for her debut book that uses secular history to show scriptural truths! You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff — The Land of the Purple Ring with Deborah J Natelson

Immeasurable imagination. Unmitigated magic. Spectacular style.

The clockwork man is crafted, to begin with—commissioned by that terrible tyrant Time to serve as her slave for all eternity. His brain boasts balance wheels and torsion springs; he can wind himself up with a key in his side; and, most importantly, his gyroscopic tourbillon heart glimmers with pure diamond.

He is a living being and he is art, and he refuses to remain a slave forever. He therefore slips through Time’s fingers as the Sands of Time slip through the cracks of reality (at least, when the time cats aren’t using them as a litter box).

Among astounding adventures, despite harrowing hardships, and in between escaping interfering enchanters, the clockwork man seeks his imagination, his purpose, and his name.

Join me as I chat with Deborah J. Natelson about her new book on May 19th at 7 PM Eastern time! You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:


Tonight on the Write Stuff — Jordan’s Arrow with Allen Steadham


“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die . . . A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

War has come to Algoran. The Gulstaa nation is determined to expand their territory with merciless resolve. Their end goal is revenge for a past defeat — they want to conquer the Mountain Mokta and anyone else in their way.

Jordan SnowFire is now the Mokta Chieftess. She has the daunting task of stopping a conflict she never asked for. Will she seek the wisdom of God or the wisdom of her tribe? What impact will the blood of SnowFire flowing through her veins have on the way she conducts this war? How far will she go to protect her family and the Mokta people?

Meanwhile, Erica Melendez finds herself trapped in the middle of the hostilities. Tragedy forces her away from the Ullvarr village and into circumstances she never imagined when she came to this world. Can she survive long enough to be reunited with Jordan?

Loyalties are tested. Decisions are made. And Algoran will never be the same after Jordan’s Arrow finds its target.

So excited to talk to my returning guest contributor and co-host Allen Steadham about the second book in his series! You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

*SPECIAL EDITION OF WRITE STUFF* Gravy the Elephant with Jessica Fortenberry


Enjoy reading about Gravy and his friends who learn how to survive and happily co-exist as they travel across the African desert. Also included are the first few stories of Tina and Sarah, two stuffed bears, who, along with their humans, travel the United States. Four bonus stories perfectly round out this collection for early readers.

Join me for this special edition as I chat with Jessica Fortenberry about her new book on May 6th at 1 PM Eastern time. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff — Hunter with Joanna White


A reckless young woman named Averella does what no woman has ever done.

She disguises herself as a man and purposefully gets herself arrested and thrown into Zagerah. Her brother Gabriel was taken, and with his disease, he will not survive on his own. She has no idea what to expect inside the prison; all she knows is that once men get taken, they never come back.

The Hunters will find her.

Genetically altered to be faster and stronger than humans, the Hunters use their powers to find and kill every prisoner who enters Zagerah. The only ones who can defeat them, are in fact, themselves.

Jared is a Hunter. It’s all he’s known, all he remembers. He kills ruthlessly and without regret, one prisoner after another. When a new prisoner Dalex shows up, everything begins to change. Jared goes undercover to make Dalex and the other prisoners believe he is one of them, a prisoner himself.

No one knows the truth.

He will trick them.

Toy with them.

Then, he will kill them.

Join me as I chat with Joanna White and book 1 of her debut series! You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff–Chasing the White Lion with James Hannibal

chasing the white lion

Young CIA officer Talia Inger has reconciled with the man who assassinated her father, but that doesn’t mean she wants him hovering over her every move and unearthing the painful past she’s trying to put behind her. Still, she’ll need him–and the help of his star grifter, Valkyrie–if she hopes to infiltrate the Jungle, the first ever crowdsourced crime syndicate, to rescue a group of kidnapped refugee children.

But as Talia and her elite team of thieves con their way into the heart of the Jungle, inching ever closer to syndicate boss the White Lion, she’ll run right up against the ragged edge of her family’s dark past. In this game of cat and mouse, it’s win . . . or die. And in times like that, it’s always good to have someone watching your back.

On April 14th at 7 pm Eastern time, join me as I chat with former tactical deception officer and stealth pilot James Hannibal as we take you deep undercover into the criminal underworld where everyone has an angle and no one escapes unscathed. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff–Choosing with Ellie Klipp


High school freshman Tracy McKenzie thinks her biggest dilemma is figuring out if Charlie is still her best friend—until her little brother comes home and says Jason, a boy in his second-grade class, is now Jessica. Wait—you can choose your gender? What does it mean to transition? Is that even possible? And what’s going on with the M’s? What’s the deal with SOGI anyway, and is it catching?

Join me as I chat with my returning guest co-host and contributor Ellie Klipp as we discuss her newest book on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 pm Eastern time. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here:

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret — The Parker J Cole Show


Many of us attend church to learn about God, to learn about ourselves, and to connect with God and others. Along with that is a general belief that the church is spiritually safe. After all, the best source of knowledge about God comes from His self-revelation, which is contained in His inspired, inerrant word: the Bible. We rely on church leaders to interpret the Bible, to carefully teach and guide the church family while keeping false teaching on the other side of the doors. But like a virus on a physical level, false teaching can operate on a spiritual level. A church leader may be introduced to new concept or spiritual tool by what is believed to be a reliable source. It may be embraced as a path to a better understanding of God and self. Even with the best intentions and efforts of spiritual leaders, they become spiritually infected and pass their infection to their flock. In Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret, we explore the spiritual infection of those who have embraced Richard Rohr and the Enneagram he has delivered into the church through his disciples.

The claims for the Enneagram are simple. Supposedly it is an ancient tool used by some of the Early Church Fathers. It is claimed to be the “face of God” and each Enneagram number is an individual spiritual path to deeper spiritual understanding and fuller self-awareness. But what if this seemingly harmless tool is in fact one of the largest deceptions perpetrated upon the Christian church in recent history?
You can join in the conversation today, April 4th at 2 pm Eastern time by calling in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Add PJC Media to your library on Spotify. Or, click on the link here:

Tonight on the Write Stuff — A Weight of Reckoning with C. S . Wachter

Sigmund’s cult of scroll worship has grown strong since Rayne, by the power of the One, bound and banished the demons. Now, with a unified presence on Nemora, Seth Hamlin and his United Scrolls of Ochen are close to opening the way for the demonic forces to return.

With only a few weeks remaining before his long-awaited wedding, Rayne is, once again, targeted for evil purposes. Will he survive the darkness that seeks to destroy his hope long enough to bring the evil sacrifices to an end?

Join me as I chat with my returning guest co-host C. S. Wachter as we chat about her newest release on March 31st at 7 pm Eastern time. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Or, click on the link here: