The BEST of the Parker J Cole Show — Breaking the Glass Steeple with Jory Micah

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Several months ago, I started following a blog by a woman named Jory Micah. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was led there by a guest blogger who talked about the problem with the evangelical purity movement in the church. Since I started following Jory’s blog, my brain has been opened to new ideas and concepts about a woman’s place in the body of Christ.

Some may view her blog a Christian feminist blog and that usually gives the idea of women burning their bras and running out in the street bare-chested in the name of equality. Yet, the more I followed her blog, I started to have my ideas of about where women stood in the body of Christ challenged. At the very least, she made me rethink some of my preconceptions about gender roles as I’ve been taught from knee high to adulthood.

Jory is one of the many people working to break the glass steeple in the Church — or rather, fight for gender equality. Join me for a fascinating discussion on this important topic. Perhaps you’ll have the same mind blowing thoughts I had as I read through hers and her other guest discourses about equality among the body of Christ. Call in at 646-668-8485, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can click on the link here. Tune in!

Tonight on the Write Stuff — An Ember in Time with Anna Aquino

Write StuffThere’s a song sang by  wonderful gospel artist named Tamela Mann called, ‘Take Me to the King’. The song always raises my spirits as I listen to it. Within the lyrics, there’s a verse that says, ‘I’m all churched out…”

Some of us have followed the Lord for so long (at least in our daily routine) that we have ceased to have a passion for Him. We got to church, we sing our songs, we read our scriptures, but there’s no life in our attitude towards the Author and Finisher of our faith. In fact, we wonder, “Why am I doing what I am doing for God when it seems to mean nothing.”

Our guest contributor Anna Aquino speaks to this aspect in our daily walk in her newest release, “An Ember in Time”, a fast paced adventure of time travel, biblical history, and restoring our passion for Christ. Join me for a great discussion. You can call in at 646-668-8485, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can download Stitcher on your mobile device. Or, you can click on the link here. You don’t want to miss this show!



An Ember In Time Cover

One Divine Encounter, will change his life.

One mistake that started with A simple flower, will begin to unravel history.

And one spark will illuminate the way home




balaam_22 (480x640)Anna M. Aquino is a super fabulous woman of God, wife, and ninja mom of two daughters.  As a writer and guest minister, her passion is to encourage others to fulfill their own destinies.  Often referred to as a preacher and a comedian rolled into one, she believes laughter is one of the best ways to get people to think. She is the author of many works including Cursing the Church or Helping it, Confessions of a Ninja Mom, and An Ember In Time. Her latest book An Ember In Time is the first in a trilogy and can best be described as Quantum Leap meets Back to the Future. She has been interviewed on places such as TBN, The Gospel Channel, and many radio shows. She is the host of an internet show called Real Solutions.While she and her family do travel for ministry, Anna is based out of Central Ohio.  If you would like to connect with her then please contact her online, Twitter: annamaquino, Instagram: AnnaMAquino33, and Facebook: annamaquino2.

The Parker J Cole Show — Breaking the Glass Steeple with Jory Micah

Parker J Cole BannerSeveral months ago, I started following a blog by a woman named Jory Micah. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was led there by a guest blogger who talked about the problem with the evangelical purity movement in the church. Since I started following Jory’s blog, my brain has been opened to new ideas and concepts about a woman’s place in the body of Christ.

Some may view her blog a Christian feminist blog and that usually gives the idea of women burning their bras and running out in the street bare-chested in the name of equality. Yet, the more I followed her blog, I started to have my ideas of about where women stood in the body of Christ challenged. At the very least, she made me rethink some of my preconceptions about gender roles as I’ve been taught from knee high to adulthood.

Jory is one of the many people working to break the glass steeple in the Church — or rather, fight for gender equality. Join me for a fascinating discussion on this important topic. Perhaps you’ll have the same mind blowing thoughts I had as I read through hers and her other guest discourses about equality among the body of Christ. Call in at 646-668-8485, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can click on the link here. Tune in!

The Parker J Cole Show — Double Agents in the Pews

We see it in spy movies all the time — the gut-wrenching twist when the best friend, close relative or family member turns out to be the double agent the hero was looking for. The shock, the pain, the horror rifles through our hero as the one he or she loved has turned out to be the enemy.

But what if there are double agents right next to us in the pews? Every Sunday, we sit next to them, break bread with them, sing praises and all the while, they’re working for the Enemy.

In the spy movies, the hero is aware there may be a double agent within the organization. He watches diligently, searching for the clues, assessing his team members, his leader trying to determine who could it be. Yet in our churches, we’re not as diligent. When the double agent enters it’s often because we allowed the church doors open to all without using discernment to see if this so called brother and sister in Christ is in fact who they say they are.

Jesus warned us of this some time ago. Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” However one has to wonder if the Church has forgotten this. When strange doctrines, teachings, and liberties come into the church that seek to change the nature of God, revision the work of Christ, and other heinous things, we need to understand there are double agents in the Church.

How did they get there? That’s what we’re going to talk about today on the show with Pastor George McVey. You can join in the conversation by calling 646-595-2083, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can download the WLUV Radio mobile app. Tune in!