Tonight on the Write Stuff — Amazing Grace with Raelee May Carpenter

“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! That SAVED a wretch like me!”

The words to the song “Amazing Grace” have been sung for many, many years. Even secular peope who don’t want to have anything to do with God, Christians, religion or the hereafter, know that song.  I’ve sang it as a child, rocking to the familiar tune in church where the old deacons draw out the ‘A’ in ‘Amazing’ and turn it into a Gregorian chant. I’ve sang it as an adult when I had a car accident earlier this year that did wonders in understanding just how grace has saved me.

Do we know what means when we talk about grace? Why do we Christians call in it ‘amazing’? How does it work in our lives?

On this episode of the Write Stuff we’ll be chatting with author Raelee May Carpenter, who newest book, “Liberation Song” is for sale. You can call in at 646-595-2083, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can click on the link here: Or, you can download the WLUV Radio mobile app.  Tune in

About the Book

b2f8c2913f6a91be2455822b225a0c2fWhen we first meet Aili MacIntyre, she’s doing what she’s been doing all her life: running in fear. She flees through a foreign jungle with two young girls and tries to save them from the forced prostitution ring that has been holding them in a virtual hell-on-earth. But tragedy meets them under the trees, and only one child escapes.

Three years later, Alexandra Adelaide has acquired a new identity in a radically different scene: the metropolitan jungle of Greater Los Angeles. She, though saved by Grace, has invented what she believes is the appropriate way to suffer for her own sins. Alex is raising the child who was orphaned by her insecurities. And she never, for a second, lets herself forget the pain caused by her mistakes.

Then the real tragedy strikes . . .

. . . she falls in love.

Matthew Gold is everything she needs and a lot more than she could’ve imagined. Bright, attractive, generous, and with his own vested interest in Grace, Matt works hard to earn Alex’s trust and a place in her life. He even loves and seeks to protect her daughter, who is the key to breaking open the biggest human trafficking case in recent history.

But Alex has lived in fear since she took her first breath. So how does she let Love start a new day? How does she choose courage even as very real dangers draw closer to her barred doors?


The Author

715kzshllRL._UX250_I’m Raelee. I’m a Christian, and I write: novels, shorts,essays, poems, practically anything, really. But that’s not it. I write about Grace. I may act as a story-teller or an entertainer, but I’m not playing any game. I’m like the Court Jester; you may hear bells or see bright colors. You may witness drama and laughs. But there’s is more to it. Always. Stories may be what I write, but what I tell… is the Truth.